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Service Times & Locations

KICC The Lighthouse

Sunday Service



C/O: Enfield Baptist Church,
Cecil Rd, Enfield, Middlsex EN2 6TG

KICC The Lighthouse

Mid-week Evening Prayers & Bible Study

Tuesday Night, from 7pm


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 988 7525 8588
Passcode: KICCTLH

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Welcome to the website of KICC The Lighthouse!

Thank for visiting the site – we hope you find it helpful and that you find the information you’re looking for.

KICC The Lighthouse is a vibrant community shaped by the Spirit, equipped by the Word and sent to the nations. 

We are a community of people who love God and love each other. We have a Sunday meeting and midweek groups, but more importantly, KICC The Lighthouse is about relationships; relationship with God and friendship with each other

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KICC The Lighthouse is a place where all pe​ople can encounter God, faith and community in an authentic, relevant and uplifting environment. We create an atmosphere where people can discover God’s distinct voice for their lives.

Our Team

We love building products for you


Pastor Trevlyn Shillingford

Resident Pastor

Welcome to KICC The Lighthouse. As part of the KICC network of churches, our vision is to:

GROW UP in knowledge, conviction, perspective, skill and character in the Word of God.

GROW BIG by fulfilling the Great Commission, using every medium available (TV, radio, newspapers etc) to evangelise the Word.

GROW TOGETHER in unity and family spirit.

Join us at 1pm every Sunday and let's share an atmostphere of Worship, Word and fellowship in the presence of the Lord. You can even pick up a copy of the message preached immediately after the service as well as past messages

Church Services

The Caring Heart Fellowship facilitates closer fellowship opportunities as groups of up to 10 people meet together every Friday evening from 7pm - 8pm for Bible study, discussion and prayer.

The CHF is intended to be a source of ministry to the community that creates an atmosphere for effectively sharing the love of Christ with others

Caring Heart Fellowship (Small Group)

Join us at 7pm every Tuesday for Bible Study. Followed by our Powerful Prayer Service until 9pm

Bible Study & Prayer Service

Get in touch!


KICC The Lighthouse, Cecil Road, Enfield, EN2 6TG


Tel: 07745 608 124


Tues: 7 - 9pm

Sun: 1 - 3pm


KICC The Lighthouse is part of the KICC Network of churches

Registered charity number: 1148899

Company Number: 08140761

KICC The Lighthouse, All rights reserved. Copyright 2014


KICC The Lighthouse, Cecil Road, Enfield, EN2 6TG

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